here is a list of the 10 strongest humans in Inuyasha, ranked:
- Sesshomaru – Although Sesshomaru is a demon, he is technically a humanoid and therefore considered a human in the series. He is one of the strongest characters in Inuyasha, with incredible strength, speed, and agility. He is also a skilled swordsman and has powerful demonic abilities, including the ability to transform and heal himself.
- Kagome Higurashi – Kagome is the protagonist of the series and possesses powerful spiritual abilities. She is able to purify demonic energy with her arrows and is also skilled with a bow and arrow. Additionally, she has a strong will and determination, which has helped her overcome numerous obstacles throughout the series.
- Sango – Sango is a skilled demon slayer who is proficient in wielding her giant boomerang, the Hiraikotsu. She is also able to control Kirara, her two-tailed demon cat companion, and has strong physical abilities.
- Miroku – Miroku is a monk who possesses spiritual powers and is able to perform powerful spells. He is also a skilled fighter and wields the powerful staff, the Shakujo. Additionally, he has the ability to suck in and destroy demons using his wind tunnel.
- Kikyo – Kikyo is a powerful priestess who is skilled in archery and spiritual powers. She possesses the ability to purify demonic energy and is also able to sense the presence of demons.
- Inuyasha – Although Inuyasha is a half-demon, he has the strength and abilities of a human. He is a skilled swordsman and possesses immense strength and speed. Additionally, he has the ability to transform into a full demon, increasing his strength and abilities.
- Kohaku – Kohaku is a skilled demon slayer who wields a sword and has strong physical abilities. He is also able to control his demon powers and use them to his advantage in battle.
- Bankotsu – Bankotsu is the leader of the band of seven, a group of powerful mercenaries. He wields a powerful halberd and possesses immense strength and speed. Additionally, he has the ability to absorb the powers of fallen enemies, making him even stronger in battle.
- Hiten – Hiten is a powerful demon who possesses immense physical strength and speed. He is also able to control the element of thunder and can shoot lightning bolts from his hands.
- Ginkotsu – Ginkotsu is a cyborg created by the scientist, Mukotsu. He possesses immense strength and is able to shoot powerful blasts of energy from his arms. He is also heavily armored and can withstand attacks from most weapons.
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Kirara,Towa Higurashi,Setsuna,Moroha,Kikyo