Let’s explore the impressive works of the talented creators behind Darling in the Franxx!
Welcome to Why It Works! By now, we’ve delved into several episodes of Darling in the Franxx, immersing ourselves in its expressive robots, brooding teenagers, and the peculiar dynamics of its cockpit. The show offers a rich tapestry to explore, and what I find most captivating is how it showcases the exceptional talents of its creators. Darling in the Franxx is a collaboration of remarkable directors, designers, and key contributors, and if you’re drawn to any particular aspect of the show, chances are you’ll find something to love in the past works of its creators. Today, I want to highlight one standout creation from each of the key contributors in Franxx, presenting you with new gems to enjoy!
Series Director: Atsushi Nishigori In addition to serving as the series director, Atsushi Nishigori is also involved in the series composition, making him a pivotal figure in shaping the essence of Franxx. Nishigori’s contributions to the show likely go beyond these roles. With a significant portion of his career spent at Gainax and his involvement in various Hiroyuki Imaishi projects, Nishigori’s personal connections likely contributed to Franxx becoming a star-studded production. Among his own works, The Idolm@ster stands out as Nishigori’s greatest achievement so far. It is a creative, beautifully animated, and delightfully funny show that benefited from the talent of numerous ex-Gainax animators. The Idolm@ster consistently showcases Nishigori’s talent for creating compelling stage settings and delivers a captivating, inventive, and occasionally touching experience. I highly recommend giving it a try.
Series Composer: Naotaka Hayashi While Hayashi is known for his work in anime, his most renowned contributions lie in the realm of visual novels. He played a significant role in Science Adventure titles such as Steins;Gate and Robotics;Notes. Although both of these visual novels received solid anime adaptations, I consider Steins;Gate the pinnacle of Hayashi’s storytelling. It offers an excellent introduction to his blend of intimate character drama, sci-fi thrills, and otaku humor. If Steins;Gate is any indication, the heroes of Franxx are in for a thrilling and suspenseful journey.

Animation Director: Tanaka Masayoshi Tanaka Masayoshi, the animation director of Franxx, is also responsible for the show’s character designs, a fact that becomes apparent when observing his other works. Whether it’s Toradora, Anohana, Waiting in the Summer, Anthem of the Heart, or the acclaimed Your Name., Masayoshi’s distinct character designs always leave a lasting impression. His expressive and softly outlined designs, with striking eyes and flowing hair, breathe life into some of anime’s most relatable characters. While I’m a fan of Masayoshi’s extensive body of work, I recommend starting with Toradora as an exemplary showcase of his talent. It marks his first major collaboration with writer Mari Okada, with whom he continued to collaborate on Anohana and Anthem of the Heart. Toradora is a fantastic romantic drama filled with expressive characters, profound insights into the human condition, and beautifully animated moments. Masayoshi’s unique and easily recognizable talent is a valuable addition to Franxx.
Action Animation Director: Hiroyuki Imaishi Although Franxx is not solely a “Trigger production” and is primarily handled by A-1 Pictures with limited support from Trigger, if any aspect of the show could be attributed to Trigger’s signature style, it’s the exhilarating fight scenes overseen by Hiroyuki Imaishi. Imaishi’s influential tenure at Gainax and Trigger needs no introduction. For those seeking an even more bombastic take on Franxx’s giant robot battles, I highly recommend Gurren Lagann. Few can match Imaishi’s knack for over-the-top action, and while his style may not perfectly align with Franxx’s more restrained narrative, I’m eagerly anticipating the spectacle he will deliver next.

Franxx boasts a wealth of talent beyond these four creators, but they serve as a compelling introduction to the many luminaries behind this remarkable production. I hope you continue to enjoy Franxx and embark on a journey of exploration into the exceptional artists who make it shine!
We bring out some of the most well-known Darling In The Franxx Collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Darling In The Franxx Collection

Nana,Naomi,Nawabari,Old Woman,Papa