Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen series has quickly become one of the most popular new-gen shonen anime and manga franchises in recent history. The series boasts several smart and intelligent characters within its which were ranked in this post below!
1) Kenjaku
In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Kenjaku is the most intelligent character. He is revealed to be the real Noshitori Kamo, who is frequently referred to as the most evil sorcerer in history, thanks to the Shibuya Incident arc’s illumination of his past. Additionally, he is capable of producing the mysterious Cursed Womb: Death Paintings.
He further proves that he is the smartest by orchestrating both the Shibuya Incident and the Culling Games.
2) Tengen
There’s no denying that Master Tengen is one of Jujutsu Kaisen’s smartest characters because he’s one of the series’ oldest and most powerful characters.
Within the mainline series, he is said to be at least 1200 years old and to be immortal. His standing in the jujutsu community is evidence that, in order to get there, he had to repeatedly demonstrate his intelligence.
3) Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo’s status as arguably the strongest human sorcerer currently alive shows that he knows how to apply what he learns, making him one of the smartest as well. Like Geto, he possesses brilliant tactical intellect, particularly displayed during the 0 prequel story and the mainline series’ Star Plasma Vessel arc.
Not much is known about the Gojo clan’s history, status, or current members, but it’s a safe assumption that Satoru is high up in the clan due to his strength and status. Chances are that he has great knowledge about the general jujutsu world which has been passed down over generations.
If you are interested in Jujutsu Kaisen-inspired designer products, please see more at Jujutsu Kaisen’s Collection here!