Taika Waititi, the acclaimed director behind “Thor: Ragnarok” and the more recent “Thor: Love and Thunder,” has announced that he won’t be taking part in a potential fifth installment of the Thor series, at least not in the foreseeable future, likely within the next six years. While there have been swirling rumors about the development of “Thor 5,” Waititi clarified that he won’t be involved in the project.
In an interview with Business Insider, Waititi shared that he’s currently concentrating on other film ventures that he has committed to. His plate is full with a variety of projects, including a “Star Wars” movie that’s currently in development. Waititi humorously remarked that the “Star Wars” film is still “marinating” as he’s actively involved in the writing process.
In addition to the “Star Wars” project, Waititi has expressed interest in adapting Alejandro Jodorowsky’s graphic novel “The Incal” and bringing Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel “Klara and the Sun” to the big screen. He indicated that the latter, centered around a robot designed to prevent loneliness and heartbreak among teenagers, is likely to be his next cinematic endeavor.

Waititi sees his current schedule extending for six to seven years, which suggests that a fifth “Thor” movie may not be on the horizon for quite some time. Despite his absence from the potential project, Waititi expressed his enduring love for Marvel, the collaborative experience with the studio, and his admiration for Chris Hemsworth, who plays the iconic character of Thor.
In an open and lighthearted metaphor, Waititi likened his relationship with Marvel to an “open relationship,” stating that if Marvel decides to “see other people,” he’s content with that decision. He acknowledged that such a scenario would not be met with any ill will, and he would be open to returning to the franchise at a later date.
This revelation follows Waititi’s previous comments in July 2022, around the release of “Thor: Love and Thunder,” where he expressed willingness to do another Thor movie if Hemsworth returned. Hemsworth, on the other hand, has remained somewhat non-committal about his return, emphasizing the need for freshness and unpredictability in the character.

While fans and the industry eagerly await news about the future of the Thor franchise, all of the existing “Thor” movies, including “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Thor: Love and Thunder,” are currently available for streaming on Disney+
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