The Tokyo Revengers anime concluded its Christmas Showdown arc, based on Ken Wakui’s manga, and announced the upcoming adaptation of the Tenjiku Arc. Along with the announcement, two new cast members were revealed: Nobunaga Shimazaki as Izana Kurokawa, the leader of the Tenjiku team, and Tetsu Inada as Kanji Mochizuki, one of Tenjiku’s Four Heavenly Kings.
The Tokyo Revengers manga, which started in March 2017 and ended on November 16, is being published by Kodansha, with the 30th volume released on November 17. The story follows Takemichi Hanagaki, who learns of his middle school girlfriend’s death at the hands of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Through a time leap, he returns to his middle school days to save her and change his life.
The manga received a television anime adaptation in April 2021, with Crunchyroll streaming it. The first live-action film based on the manga was released in Japan in July 2021 and became the top-grossing live-action film of the year in Japan. Crunchyroll is also streaming the film.
The sequel live-action films, titled Chi no Halloween -Unmei- (Bloody Halloween -Fate-) and Chi no Halloween -Kessen- (Bloody Halloween -Decisive Battle-), are scheduled to release in Japan on April 21 and June 30, respectively.
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